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Wei Li

作者:  发布:2017-01-06 00:00:00  点击量:

 田纳西大学Wei Li教授



报告题目:Discovery of novel tubulin inhibitors targeting the colchicine binding site for cancer therapy

  人 :Wei Li教授





Prof. Li received his PhD degree in Chemistry in 1999 from Columbia University in the City of New York. He is a Professor in his current institution and also serves as the Section Editor for anticancer agents of Current Medicinal Chemistry. His area of research is small molecule drug discovery. He has published over 120 papers, is an inventor of five issued US patents and additional large numbers of patents from other countries, and is a frequent grant reviewer for the US NIH, NSF, and other US Government and State Agencies.



Despite the advancements of targeted therapy and immunotherapy, tubulin inhibitors are still the most widely prescribed chemotherapeutic drugs for many types of cancers.  However, efficacies of FDA approved tubulin inhibitors are often limited by multidrug resistance mechanisms such as overexpression of ABC-transporters. They also have poor aqueous solubility and are not orally bioavailable. Dr. Li’s Lab discovered a new generation of tubulin inhibitors that effectively overcome some of these clinical limitations. They are licensed to Veru HealthCare who will start clinical trials in 2017. In this talk, he will describe the efforts in the discovery and development of these new tubulin inhibitors.



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